Image Picker

This Picker is a regular Picker utility. It can handle only image items.
You can add it by clicking [GameObject]/[UI]/[Picker]/[Image Picker] in the menu.
There is less freedom than a regular picker, but it is useful if you want to handle only image items.


Root object. ImagePicker component is attached.


Setting Items of ImagePicker Component




Item Size

Size of the item.

Column List

Object for which a column is generated.

Item List

Set the content of the item. Edit this item if you want to change the number and content of the item, the number of columns.


You can change the direction of the picker.


Contents of ItemList will be automatically reflected in GameObject under ColumnList.
Do not manually edit objects below ColumnList.
If you are editing, we can not guarantee what happens to the contents of ColumnList when you change the contents of ItemList.

Other objects

Similar to Picker. GameObjects under ColumnList are automatically generated according to the contents of ItemList.